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W-Seils est une agence web spécialisée en TYPO3. Nous réalisons des sites ultra frais et pleins de vitamines qui sont bons pour votre croissance! Expert Accessiweb en Evaluation. 11 rue du chemin rouge - bâtiment F - CS31335.
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I emailed the Palatine Chamber, and they look the other way, to major corruption in the city, they got to be apart of it. Welcome TO the real USA.
Palatine lied in wavered grand jury testimony.
5 years later, how many similar events occurred, by this one cop? A entire police force? Every department in the entire village? Every village, every cop in the county? Every county in the State? Every state in the United States? To all foreign visitors Welcome to every day life in America. How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality means what. Ethics or a judicial cannon.
This blog is dedicated to the Law firm in Chicago that represents and is Employed by the Village of Palatine. Every attorney has been sent email and now it is up to them to honor or not, their, responsibilities as members of the court. Accessory, obstruction of justice, cover up, criminal conspericy. Or 3 time mayor Tatooles.
I let the fire department know about my displeasure of officer Wenrich, Hunter, Baker, Haas, Mullins, Tatooles etc. You think they care or done any thing. It is only logical to assume, that they produce false reports and testimony also at their pleasure. How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality means what. Ethics or a judicial cannon. Means nothing to a lot of people.